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Friday, May 9, 2008


Now we know: Mr. Super ENDORSES Obama!!

Here's an excerpt from the Obama Camp's press release on the endorsement...

Today, California DNC Member and superdelegate Ed Espinoza endorsed Barack Obama, citing his judgment, character, and ability to unite our country for change.

Espinoza said, “I am endorsing Barack Obama today because throughout this process I have seen him show a judgment and character that we need in our next president. From day one he opposed the Iraq war and has a plan to end the war in a responsible way and bring our sons and daughters home. He has shown he has the character to lead our great nation, from his choice to spend his career serving people in the poorest communities in Chicago to his commitment to speaking truth to the American people, even when it isn’t politically convenient to do so. To unify the country at this time in our history we need a president who has these qualities, and that is why I am proud to endorse him today. My good friend Bill Richardson, who backed Obama some weeks ago, knows what it takes to lead and I trust his judgment in this decision as well. I look forward to working with this great movement to bring victory in November.”

Interestingly too, Ed is blogging today at about the Veepstakes game for Obama - Would Bob Casey balance the ticket in PA?

Who knows?! I just hope Mr. Super keeps blogging all the way to November!